Parlor Greens - Driptorch b/w 200 Dollar Blues

Parlor Greens - Driptorch b/w 200 Dollar Blues

Sale price$15.00 CAD
Sold out


A: Driptorch

B: 200 Dollar Blues

Label: Colemine
Catalog: CLMN-227

Camo Colored Vinyl

Colemine Records is proud to present a brand new 45 from Parlor Greens.

The first 45 to follow their sold out debut LP! Side A features Driptorch, a gritty, classic sounding organ track with crunchy drums, funky guitar, and screaming Hammond!

On the flip, is a brand new, never before heard song from the band titled '200 Dollar Blues'. It's a straight down the middle instrumental blues shuffle featuring Jimmy James really wailing on his strat and trading licks with Scone preaching on the organ!